Shortcrust pastry recipe. Рецепт песочного теста.

Сливочное масло 150 гр., сахарная пудра 100 гр., пшеничная мука 280 гр., 1 яйцо (весом 60 гр. без скорлупы), щепотка соли. Получится 580 гр. сырого песочного теста. Butter 150g., Icing sugar 100g., Wheat flour 280g., 1 egg (weighing 60g. Without shell), a pinch of salt. It will turn out 580 gr. uncooked short pastry.

Sweet Shortcrust Pastry with Butter

Homemade cake dough recipes – sweet shortcrust pastry with butter. Easy recipe for butter shortcrust pastry for many homemade cake types. Homemade Recipes is your source of inspiration for traditional and modern culinary recipes that help you cook at home as a master chef. SUBSCRIBE to be informed about the latest Homemade Recipes video recipes!